Cross Egypt Challeng rally by motorcycle and scooter

The fifth season of the famous Cross Egypt Challenge motorcycle and scooter rally is set to start this October in a continuous effort to promote tourism and to prove that Egypt is safe for travels.
The 2015 season of Cross Egypt Challenge will start on October 23rd, 2015 and will last for 9 days. The 2,725 km route this year will begin from the Mediterranean’s largest coastal city, Alexandria then pass through the Capital – Cairo – en route to the Red Sea’s resort Sokhna before going South to visit the amazing resort cities of Sahl Hashish and Marsa Alam on the Red Sea shore. The challenge will then head west to the Nile valley to visit the ancient city of Luxor, the world’s largest open-air museum city, and the capital of Ancient Egypt where the participants will spend two days in celebration for the rally’s 5th anniversary.
From Luxor the riders will head North-west to explore some of the most fascinating oasis of the Egyptian Sahara (desert). A total number of 3 oases will be explored en route before the final leg of the 2015 season of Cross Egypt Challenge takes place between Bahareya Oasis and Cairo to end the new season at the most sacred place in Egypt, under the Great Pyramids of Giza.
Cross Egypt Challenge is an international series of endurance motorcycles and scooter rallies conducted throughout the most challenging roads and tracks of Egypt, a breathtaking experience that is equally fascinating for spectators and riders alike.
Cross Egypt Challenge is the only organized cross-country rally of its kind in the entire region and combines the best of adventure travel and extreme sport. Each season of the endurance rally introduces a new route throughout the most famous spots of Egypt; a track that nobody ever thought could be done on motorcycles or scooters.
The series started in 2011 and the first season was a 9 days rally from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the North of Egypt to the temple of Abu Simbel, on the southern borders of Egypt with a total distance of over 1,700 km. The following three seasons witnessed longer and more challenging routes ranging from 2,400km to 3,000 km and passing by some of Egypt’s most spectacular sights and toughest terrains.
Ahmad Elzoghby, the official spokesperson of the challenge said: “It is quite challenging to ride few thousands kilometers on motorcycles and scooters in a challenging cross-country rally, especially if that involves different terrains; cities, deserts, mountains and oases. This year we are celebrating the fifth year of the rally therefore we expect a very special season ahead. Cross Egypt Challenge is meant to bring global media attention to Egypt and to confidently announce that Egypt is safe for tourism.”
Last year participants from 15 different countries took part in Cross Egypt Challenge. This year a larger number of international and Egyptian participants are expected to sign up for the daring challenge.
Interested riders who are up to the challenge can find guidelines for participation on Cross Egypt Challenge website: